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Forums -> UltraMon™ -> min/max when clicking taskbar items in 3 beta 1
Kevin   2007-05-24 04:41
Experiencing some odd behaviour with UM 3 beta 1 in regards to clicking the taskbar button.

After first install and opening Outlook Express, clicking taskbar did nothing. I right clicked and minimized, and then after that clicking the taskbar performed as expected.

Maxthon 2: taskbar button does not minimize the program.. it makes the program flash (like its redrawing the window) but never minimizes.

FlashFXP; the program minimizes but clicking the taskbar will not re-maximize the window, I have to right click the taskbar button and choose restore. (Could it be because FlashFXP uses a dynamic taskbar to show you transfer speed?)

Skype: clicking the taskbar minimizes the program to the taskbar, but clicking it again WON'T re-open the window.

Tried it with MS Office 2007; seems to work normally there.

Firefox: works normally

Opera: works normally

Nero: works normally

Trillian: message windows have dynamic data in the taskbar but it appears to work normally here as well.


Christian Studer   2007-05-24 09:24
Thanks for the feedback, I'll look into this for the next release.

One issue I'm aware of is that minimizing the last open application via click on the task button doesn't work.

Christian Studer -
Kevin   2007-05-25 02:35
One more quick note:

I use a program called Mailwasher for mail notification/spam protection. ( It is supposed to minimize to the system tray.

When it is maximized, it shows up correctly on the 2nd monitor taskbar.

When I minimize, it does go to the system tray, however, the icon also shows moves over to the Main taskbar on the primary monitor.

That didn't happen with Ultramon 2.7 :)


Kevin   2007-05-25 03:38
Tested another program, "UltraRecall". It's note taking software and its supposed to minimize to the tray.

When I click the taskbar icon it minimizes to the taskbar on the 2nd monitor instead of to the tray.

The only way I can minimize it back to the tray is by clicking the minimize button, or right-clicking the taskbar and choose minimize.

Forums -> UltraMon™ -> min/max when clicking taskbar items in 3 beta 1

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