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Forums -> UltraMon™ -> Taskbar on main monitor 2 different colours
Jcheung   2007-10-17 00:14
For some reason my taskbar on the main monitor is half black, half grey. I am running a 1920x1200 (primary) monitor to the right of a 1024x768 (secondary) monitor. They are set with different backgrounds and when I pull the taskbar up on the primary monitor I notice that underneath it is the wallpaper from my second monitor on the left with a white bar above it (which is the grey bit on the taskbar. I got rid the white bar before but forgot how I did it and it has now come back when I changed my wallpapers and I can't get rid of it. How can I get rid of it?
Christian Studer   2007-10-17 09:26
This seems to be a Vista issue, you'll see the same behavior with the main taskbar if you move it to the other monitor.

I'm not aware of a fix for this (except for changing the wallpaper), if you find a workaround please let me know.

Christian Studer -
Jcheung   2007-10-26 21:08
I have found a sort of temporary fix to it. Using photoshop I changed the white borders of the entire background image to black then used the windows wallpaper selector and selected the new wallpaper. It got rid of the problem. When you restart however it returns until you do it again.

I remember seeing a registry hack to solve this problem though, thats how I fixed it the first time round.
Christian Studer   2007-10-27 07:50
Thanks for the update, I'll change that in the next release (unused areas will be black instead of white).

It still doesn't fix the underlying problem though, depending on the wallpaper you will still get the wrong picture behind the taskbar.

Christian Studer -
Forums -> UltraMon™ -> Taskbar on main monitor 2 different colours

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